Service Terms & Conditions

* Bandwidth Specification refers to network specifications of the subscribed Services for the broadband line connected from the first piece of network equipment or central office of the NETVIGATOR network to the modem at your Premises. For Fiber-to-the-home Plans, bandwidth specifications of 300M, 500M and 1000M correspond to a maximum upstream and downstream bandwidth of 300Mbps /500Mbps /1000Mbps respectively. The actual speed you experience using the Service will be affected by your device, technology, network and software used, network configuration and coverage, usage levels and extraneous factors.
PCCW Wi-Fi 100M is the network specification applicable to select PCCW Wi-Fi hotspots. The network specification will not correspond to the speed experienced by an individual customer at a hotspot, as such speed will be affected by the user・s device, transmission technology, individual network and software used, network configuration and coverage, usage levels and extraneous factors.

Fiber Direct Service Packs:

  • The offers apply only to new residential NETVIGATOR broadband Internet access service plan subscribers. Relevant terms and conditions apply.
  • NETVIGATOR broadband service is available in specified residential areas. NETVIGATOR broadband service, PCCW Wi-Fi service and NETVIGATOR Everywhere service are provided by HKT. PCCW mobile・s HSPA-3G wireless data service is provided by PCCW Mobile HK Limited.
  • The offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers, and is non-transferable and non-redeemable for cash.
  • HKT reserves the right to terminate the above offer, adjust all fees and charges and amend any relevant terms & conditions at any time without prior notice.
  Depending on the service or combination of services subscribed for in this application, the personal data and other information so provided are collected, used and retained by either one or more of the service providers of PCCW Group including Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (:HKT;), PCCW Mobile HK Limited and PCCW Media Limited (as the case may be) in accordance with the requirements in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and the Privacy Policy Statement which is accessible at which also governs, together with HKT・s General Conditions of Service (if applicable), how such personal data and other information are used and to whom they may be disclosed. The main purpose for which the data and other information are used and/or disclosed is for the processing and provision of the subscribed and related services. The data may also be disclosed to affiliates, related companies, debt collection agents, third party channel providers or other business partners for promotion of different goods and services.